Our view of the IP processes
The figure above explains basic IP stakeholders in a simplified format. The green arrows identify the areas where TLEpatent can bring added value to a company with IP needs.
1. Corporate management
- IP strategy formulation
- Optimization of internal IP processes
- Invention report processes
- Employee invention rewards
- Portfolio management
- Operating the internal IP processes
- Invention evaluation
- Porfolio management decisions
2. Inventors
- IP awareness trainings
- Facilitating idea harvesting workshops
- Acting as an link (or interpreter) between inventors and external attorneys reducing the amount of work inventors need for patent prosecution
3. External Attorneys
- Contract and price negotiations
- Management of external attorneys
- Instructing external attorneys
- Quality control of external attorney work
- Reducing the amount of irrelevant information to corporation management
- “Interpreting” between legal and business/technical language
- Working together with corporate management in decision making processes regarding business relevant issues. Communicating those decisions to the external attorneys
4. Link between Corporation Management and other companies
- Supporting Merger and Aquistion (M&A) activities
- Evaluation of IP assets of a target company
- Presenting the own IP assets to a potential acquirer
- Checking the IP terms in the agreements
- Supporting Licensing & Litigation (L&L) activities
- Defensive
- Evaluating the asserted patents
- Non-infrigment analysis
- Patent invalidation analysis
- Participating in formulating the defensive strategy
- “Interpreting” between legal and business/technical language
- Checking the IP terms in the agreements
- Offensive
- Finding & evaluating the assets to be used
- Claim charting
- Participating in formulating the offensive strategy
- “Interpreting” between legal and business/technical language
- Checking the IP terms in the agreements
- Defensive
5. Investors
- For companies talking with investors
- Convincing investors that the company has a credible “IP Story”
- Preparing a marketing story and material for investors
- Acting as “an IP front” towards the investors
- Checking the IP terms in the agreements
- Convincing investors that the company has a credible “IP Story”
- For investors evaluating companies
- Evaluating the value and potential of a target company IP
- Assessing the IP risks of a target company
- Evaluating IP processes and understanding in the target company